The kids in room 209 know this first hand. They made applesauce in class one day and
were impressed by how tasty it was and by how easy it was to make - just two
ingredients, apples and water. They also
learned that making homemade applesauce creates no garbage whatsoever.
They took the idea one step further and conducted a
taste test in class - homemade applesauce vs. store-bought applesauce. And you guessed it… nearly everyone
preferred homemade applesauce. They decided to take the taste test out into the schoolyard. In total, 225 kids, teachers and parents
participated in the taste test. 172
people preferred homemade applesauce, only 53 people chose store-bought.
Most of all, everyone agreed, applesauce is the perfect snack. Why?
Most of all, everyone agreed, applesauce is the perfect snack. Why?
- It’s sooooo unbelievably yummy!
- It’s healthy too. You know the saying... an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- It’s easy to make. They’ve got a great recipe for you. Check it out... http://mrcressmansclass.blogspot.ca/2016/11/epic-applesauce.html
- It doesn’t create any garbage. Just send it to school in a reusable container. (And don’t forget the spoon).
- It doesn’t cost much… a whole batch can be made for just a few dollars. Tip: Make it when fresh Ontario apples are in season. Then store it in the freezer until needed.
Congratulations to Mr. Cressman and the kids in
room 209. Their applesauce project has
inspired others to pack homemade applesauce and other homemade, waste-free
lunches and snacks.