You see, we've been dreaming of a waste-free school event... one in which we create little (or no) garbage. But for some reasons, everyone's common sense goes out the window at big events like this. Waste just get tossed in any container with very little care.
Da-da-da-da!!! JETs to the rescue!!! Our eco kids took shifts at the waste sorting stations throughout the entire evening. They helped everyone sort their waste properly. We had a blue bin to recycle empty lemonade cups. We even had a system to empty the ice, lemons and paper straws from the cups before recycling. We also had a green bin to compost food waste, lemons, napkins, paper bowls, paper straws, popcorn bags and more. We even saved the plastic spoons so they could be washed and reused.

Although we didn't collect official measurement data, I estimate that at least 90% of our Harvest Festival waste was diverted from landfill. That's impressive! Way to go Jackman!
And way to go JETs. We couldn't have done it without you. You set a good example for everyone in our school and community. You're our super heroes! Let's do it again at Jackman's Spring Fair!