November 27, 2018

Getting Ready For Another WASTE AUDIT

Jackman's eco goal is simple... MAKE LESS GARBAGE!   Yep, we’re learning to be more mindful about the garbage we create.   It takes a little thought, a little planning, a little effort.  But it's worth it. 

And soon, we will put our garbage goal to the test. We will conduct another waste audit.  We will save a whole day's worth of Jackman's garbage. Then the eco team will conduct a thorough investigation to see exactly what’s in there.   It's a messy job, but someone's got to do it.  We will sort it, count it, measure it, and discuss it.  Then we use this data to make plans for further waste reduction.  Look at our data from the last few years...
2013 - 36 kg 
2014 - 32 kg  
2015 - 22 kg 
2016 - 24 kg 
2017 - 20 kg
As you can see, we are making less garbage overall.  What will 2018 bring?  Are we making less garbage at Jackman?  We hope so.  And soon we'll know the answer.

November 10, 2018

So Many Halloween Candy Wrappers

Ugh!  So many Halloween candy wrappers in the garbage!!!  Jackman's Eco Team is wondering... "Why can't candy companies make more eco friendly packaging, like Nestle and their Smarties boxes?"  We decide to put our eco ideas into action.  We wrote this letter and sent it to local candy companies... Nestle, Cadbury, Mars and Hershey's.   Looking forward to their responses.

Dear ______________,

We’re the kids from Jackman Avenue Public School, in Toronto. We need to tell you this… we LOVE HALLOWEEN! Parties! Costumes! Trick or treating! So much fun!!! Thank you for making so many yummy Halloween treats for us to enjoy!  
Still, we have a problem.  Halloween candy is usually packaged in wrappers and they’re creating LOTS of GARBAGE.  And garbage is piling up in our landfill. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is! When our landfill is full, where are we going to put our candy wrappers and other garbage?   The Earth is not happy about this. And neither are we. Read more to learn how to make the Earth your friend.
Here is an idea for you: Use paper boxes for your candy.  Then we can recycle or compost the packaging. No garbage!!!  Some companies are already packaging candy in paper boxes. Nestlé, for example, packages their Smarties in paper boxes.  We think you should try it. Then everybody will have yummy, WASTE-FREE treats for Halloween. And we won’t worry about the landfill!  A step in the right direction, don’t you think?
In closing, we just want to say thank you for considering our idea. We hope you agree with us and make a change in how you package your candies.  Making less garbage is everyone’s responsibility. Next Halloween, we hope to find your delicious candies in boxes, not wrappers.  And you will be the SUPER-HEROES of Halloween!
Jackman’s Eco Team (a.k.a. the JETs)

November 08, 2018

Halloween Candy Wrapers

We hope everyone enjoyed Halloween!  We sure did!   The parties!   The costumes!   The Trick or Treating!   The candies!

Once again this year, the JETs would like to remind everyone that Halloween candy wrappers go in the garbage, not the recycling.   It's unfortunate, but true.  And whatever you do, don't litter them in the school yard.

But wait, what about Smarties?  Nestlé Canada packages this treat in paper boxes.  And these boxes can be recycled.  We wish candy companies would use more eco-friendly packaging for their treats.   Let's put the Happy back into the Happy Halloween! :-)