November 24, 2016

Applesauce Taste Test

Hey everyone!  You should try our homemade applesauce!  It tastes great. And the kids from room 209 will soon be holding an applesauce taste test.  We want to know if you prefer store-bought applesauce or homemade applesauce! 

So far, most people have voted for homemade applesauce.   Only a small number of people said they like store bought applesauce best.  And some people, like me, can't tell the difference!   See the graph below.  

And check this out!  Homemade applesauce has less garbage, less ingredients, less sugar and it costs less money!   Homemade applesauce is an easy snack, a tasty snack, an eco-friendly snack.

Come by and take the test for yourself!!!    

Written by Kai

Graph by James and Kalen

November 20, 2016

Gearing Up for Another Waste Audit

Jackman's eco goal is simple... MAKE LESS GARBAGE!   It take a little thought, a little planning, a little extra effort.   But it's worth it.   It's one way we can minimize our impact on the environment.  We hope everyone will join us as we strive to make less garbage. 

And soon, we will put our garbage to the test.  We will conduct another waste audit.  We do it every year.  We save a whole day's worth of Jackman's garbage.  The eco team will conduct a thorough investigation to see exactly what is in there.   It's a messy job, but someone's got to do it.  We will sort it, discuss it, count it, measure it, weigh it and document it.  Then we use this data to make plans for further waste reduction efforts.  Look at our data from the last three years...
2013 - total waste 36 kg 
2014 - total waste 31 kg 
2015 - total waste 21 kg
As you can see, we are making less garbage.  
Here are things we discovered in last year's audit... 
  • way too many paper towels, even one paper towel that measured 7m long 
  • tons and tons of snack wrappers and other kinds of packaging
  • 3 cans, 12 coffee cups and 15 juice boxes (ugh!)
What will 2016 bring?  Are we making less garbage at Jackman?  We hope so.   And soon we'll know exactly how much.