November 24, 2016

Applesauce Taste Test

Hey everyone!  You should try our homemade applesauce!  It tastes great. And the kids from room 209 will soon be holding an applesauce taste test.  We want to know if you prefer store-bought applesauce or homemade applesauce! 

So far, most people have voted for homemade applesauce.   Only a small number of people said they like store bought applesauce best.  And some people, like me, can't tell the difference!   See the graph below.  

And check this out!  Homemade applesauce has less garbage, less ingredients, less sugar and it costs less money!   Homemade applesauce is an easy snack, a tasty snack, an eco-friendly snack.

Come by and take the test for yourself!!!    

Written by Kai

Graph by James and Kalen